1. Collaborating Across Disciplines, Open Source Business Resource, Jul 01, 2009

2. Football TV's Final Frontier, NOW Magazine, Jan 29 - Feb 05, 2009

3. Free Shareable iTunes in Sight, NOW Magazine, Jan 22 - Jan 28, 2009

4. Browse and Get Smarter, NOW Magazine, Jan 08 - Jan 14, 2009

5. Book Review: My Stroke of Insight, NOW Magazine, Jan 01 - Jan 07, 2009

6. Book Review: The Physics of Christianity, NOW Magazine, Nov 20 - Nov 26, 2008

7. Christians Convert to Gaming, NOW Magazine, Nov 13 - Nov 19, 2008

8. Book Review: Soul of the World, NOW Magazine, Oct 30 - Nov 05, 2008

9. E-books Get Some Traction, NOW Magazine, Oct 22 - Oct 29, 2008

10. Is Wikileaks Sell-off a Sell-out?, NOW Magazine, Oct 08 - Oct 15, 2008

11. Book Review: What the Nose knows, NOW Magazine, Oct 01 - Oct 08, 2008

12. The Search for Better Privacy, NOW Magazine, Sep 29 - Aug 05, 2008

13. Canuck Election Sites Suck, NOW Magazine, Sep 26 - Oct 03, 2008

14. Cells Signal the Future of Film, NOW Magazine, Sep 10 - Sep 17, 2008

15. Book Review: The Quirks and Quarks Space Book, NOW Magazine, Sep 03 - Sep 10, 2008

16. Book Review: The Elephant, the Tiger and the cell phone, NOW Magazine, Aug 20 - Aug 27, 2008

17. Come on in, the water's fine ... right?, The Globe and Mail, Aug 09, 2008

18. Olympic Gear Raises the Bar, NOW Magazine, Aug 06 - Aug 13, 2008

19. History at the end of a phone, NOW Magazine, Jul 24 - Jul 31, 2008

20. Book Review: The Drunkard's Walk, NOW Magazine, Jul 17 - Jul 23, 2008

21. How Green can save the world Economies, NOW Magazine, Jul 17 - Jul 23, 2008

22. Outdoor art with a difference, NOW Magazine, Jul 03 - Jul 09, 2008

23. Robots learn surgical moves, NOW Magazine, Jun 19 - Jun 25, 2008

24. Euro Free Kicks, NOW Magazine, Jun 03 - Jun 10, 2008

25. Sitting in Newton's Tree, NOW Magazine, May 29 - Jun 05, 2008

26. Wiki Recipes for Disasters, NOW Magazine, May 22 - May 29, 2008

27. Book Review: Year of Living Biblically, NOW Magazine, May 18 - May 25, 2008

28. Death of the Format Wars, NOW Magazine, May 08 - May 15, 2008

29. Death Tech Never Says Die, NOW Magazine, May 01 - May 08, 2008

30. Wake-up Call for Cyclists, NOW Magazine, Apr 17 - Apr 24, 2008

31. Book Review: Remainder by Tom McCarthy, NOW Magazine, Apr 10 - Apr 17, 2008

32. Bonk The Curious Couplings Of Science and Sex, NOW Magazine, Apr 10 - Apr 17, 2008

33. Book Review: Gentlemen of the Road, NOW Magazine, Apr 01 - Apr 08, 2008

34. Great Ideas from Minds That Don't Think Alike, The Globe and Mail, Mar 29, 2008

35. When Printers Go Startrek, NOW Magazine, Mar 27 - Apr 03, 2008

36. Dog Sledding in Haliburton, NOW Magazine, Mar 20 - Mar 07, 2008

37. Car Design For A Green Future, NOW Magazine, Mar 06 - Mar 13, 2008

38. Science for Not-So-Dummies, NOW Magazine, Feb 07 - Feb 14, 2008

39. Book Review: The scientist as rebel by Freeman Dyson, NOW Magazine, Jan 17 - Jan 23, 2008

40. Book Review: What's science ever done for us by Paul Halpern, NOW Magazine, Jan 10 - Jan 16, 2008

41. Cool disappearing acts, NOW Magazine, Jan 03 - Jan 09, 2008

42. Google expands the heavens, NOW Magazine, Dec 13 - Dec 19, 2007

43. Nerd words go mainstream, NOW Magazine, Nov 15 - Nov 21, 2007

44. Taking a bite of the apple, NOW Magazine, Oct 18 - Oct 24, 2007

45. Creationist Spin on Our Origins, The Toronto Star, Oct 13, 2007

46. Blinding them with 'science', The Toronto Star, Oct 13, 2007

47. The medici effect, NOW Magazine, Oct 04 - Oct 10, 2007

48. Political parties' online push, NOW Magazine, Sep 27 - Oct 03, 2007

49. Peer-to-peer under fire, NOW Magazine, Aug 16 - Aug 22, 2007

50. End of ignorance, NOW Magazine, Aug 09 - Aug 15, 2007

51. Election debates hit YouTube, NOW Magazine, Jul 19 - Jul 25, 2007

52. Cataloguing the cool way, NOW Magazine, Jul 05 - Jul 11, 2007

53. Ghost map haunts the future, NOW Magazine, May 31 - Jun 06, 2007

54. OCAD okays high-tech plan, NOW Magazine, May 17 - May 23, 2007

55. Power plays, NOW Magazine, Apr 19 - Apr 25, 2007

56. The wizard of wikinomics, NOW Magazine, Mar 22 - Mar 28, 2007

57. Giving black inventors credit, NOW Magazine, Mar 01 - Mar 07, 2007

58. Tips for the oscar pool freak, NOW Magazine, Feb 22 - Feb 28, 2007

59. Vista system's full of glitches, NOW Magazine, Feb 15 - Feb 21, 2007

60. Big brother at the Superbowl, NOW Magazine, Feb 01 - Feb 07, 2007

61. Say goodbye to bank loans, NOW Magazine, Jan 18 - Jan 24, 2007

62. Scents and new sensitivities, NOW Magazine, Jan 04 - Jan 10, 2007

63. Hydro hits the wireless grid, NOW Magazine, Nov 23 - Nov 29, 2006

64. Surfing mayoral hopefuls, NOW Magazine, Nov 02 - Nov 08, 2006

65. Life lessons from Dawson, NOW Magazine, Oct 05 - Oct 11, 2006

66. Bye-Bye NASA Monopoly, Open Source Business Resource, Sep 14 - Sep 20, 2006

67. Its ieverything these days, NOW Magazine, Aug 31 - Sep 06, 2006

68. Troubles over tiered net, NOW Magazine, Aug 03 - Aug 09, 2006

69. Where brains meet games, NOW Magazine, Jul 06 - Jul 12, 2006

70. You too can design an ad, NOW Magazine, Jun 29 - Jul 05, 2006

71. France's way or the highway, NOW Magazine, Jun 15 - Jun 21, 2006

72. Writers you are not alone, NOW Magazine, Jun 01 - Jun 07, 2006

73. Your memory tells TO's story, NOW Magazine, May 25 - May 31, 2006

74. Lose that real estate agent, NOW magazine, May 04 - May 10, 2006

75. E-waste not, NOW Magazine, Apr 20 - Apr 26, 2006

76. Do iPods mean the end of tolerance, NOW Magazine, Apr 13 - Apr 19, 2006

77. Book Review: Programming the Universe by Seth Lloyd, NOW Magazine, Apr 13 - Apr 19, 2006

78. Do robots have souls, NOW Magazine, Apr 06 - Apr 12, 2006

79. Paralympic heights, NOW Magazine, Mar 16 - Mar 22, 2006

80. Photoshop fakers, NOW Magazine, Mar 09 - Mar 15, 2006

81. Tail yourself for a change, NOW Magazine, Mar 02 - Mar 08, 2006

82. Google loses lustre in China, NOW Magazine, Feb 16 - Feb 22, 2006

83. Slip-Sliding Away to Olympic Gold, NOW Magazine, Feb 09 - Feb 15, 2006

84. Classroom Heroes, NOW Magazine, Feb 02 - Feb 08, 2006

85. In defence of wikipedia, NOW Magazine, Feb 02 - Feb 08, 2006

86. Not-So-Useful Election Sites, NOW Magazine, Jan 19 - Jan 25, 2006

87. Tech Capitalist Get Conscious, NOW Magazine, Jan 12 - Jan 18, 2006

88. Rootkits Sign Of Sony's Arrogance, NOW Magazine, Jan 05 - Jan 11, 2006

89. Joseph Wilson's Top 10 Tech Events 2005, NOW Magazine, Dec 29 - Jan 04, 2005

90. Can Digital Bits Eclipse Bound Books?, NOW Magazine, Dec 22 - Dec 28, 2005

91. Random Acts, NOW Magazine, Nov 17 - Nov 23, 2005

92. Community Wi-Fi, NOW Magazine, Nov 03 - Nov 09, 2005

93. Debra Fischer's Starry Eyes, NOW Magazine, Oct 20 - Oct 26, 2005

94. Garreau's Vision, NOW Magazine, Oct 06 - Oct 12, 2005

95. Why Moog Didn't Go Digital, NOW Magazine, Sep 29 - Oct 05, 2005

96. Guns Are Getting Smarter, NOW Magazine, Aug 25 - Aug 31, 2005

97. Surveillance Hitting Home, NOW Magazine, Aug 11 - Aug 17, 2005

98. Night Moves, NOW Magazine, Jul 07 - Jul 13, 2005

99. Virtual Date With A Porn Star, NOW Magazine, Jun 30 - Jul 06, 2005

100. Who's Your Nanny?, NOW Magazine, Jun 09 - Jun 15, 2005

101. Wireless, And We Mean It, NOW Magazine, May 12 - May 18, 2005

102. Net Long Distance is Close, NOW Magazine, Apr 28 - May 04, 2005

103. The Afterlife Of Cell Phones, NOW Magazine, Apr 14 - Apr 20, 2005

104. Doing it With Dexit, NOW Magazine, Mar 17 - Mar 23, 2005

105. Eco-Basher Bush, NOW Magazine, Mar 17 - Mar 23, 2005

106. Gaming For Greater Good, NOW Magazine, Feb 17 - Feb 23, 2005

107. Podcast Broadcast, NOW Magazine, Jan 20 - Jan 26, 2005

108. Science Lovers, NOW Magazine, Jan 13 - Jan 20, 2005

109. High-Tech Hunting, NOW Magazine, Jan 06 - Jan 12, 2005

110. Belize's Reefs' Rewards, NOW Magazine, Dec 30 - Jan 06, 2004

111. Progress at a Price, NOW Magazine, Dec 30 - Jan 06, 2004

112. Crossover Blog, NOW Magazine, Dec 02 - Dec 09, 2004

113. High Science for Regular Folks, NOW Magazine, Nov 18 - Nov 24, 2004

114. Packaging Punditry, NOW Magazine, Oct 28 - Nov 03, 2004

115. Weblogs Getting Some Respect, NOW Magazine, Oct 14 - Oct 20, 2004

116. Chad Checkup, NOW Magazine, Sep 30 - Oct 06, 2004

117. Silly Sci-Fi Flicks, NOW Magazine, Sep 02 - Sep 08, 2004

118. Olympic Surfing, NOW Magazine, Aug 19 - Aug 25, 2004

119. Changing Status, NOW Magazine, Aug 19 - Aug 25, 2004

120. Modder's Day, NOW Magazine, Aug 05 - Aug 11, 2004

121. Accessible to All, NOW Magazine, Jul 22 - Jul 28, 2004

122. Made in Canada, Eh, NOW Magazine, Jul 01 - Jul 07, 2004

123. All That Jazz, NOW Magazine, Jun 24 - Jun 30, 2004

124. Queer Site Specifics, NOW Magazine, Jun 24 - Jun 30, 2004

125. Nature Knows Best, NOW Magazine, Jun 17 - Jun 23, 2004

126. High-Tech Camping, NOW Magazine, Jun 03 - Jun 09, 2004

127. On Tour With Moonraker, Jambands.com, May 29, 2004

128. Energy Ingenuity, NOW Magazine, May 27 - Jun 02, 2004

129. Cyborg Sensation, NOW Magazine, May 13 - May 19, 2004

130. The Plane Truth, NOW Magazine, Apr 08 - Apr 14, 2004

131. Ads That Stalk Us, NOW Magazine, Mar 18 - Mar 24, 2004

132. Tuning into Tech, NOW Magazine, Feb 26 - Mar 03, 2004

133. Joy of the Stick, NOW Magazine, Feb 04 - Feb 10, 2004

134. Mars Attack, NOW Magazine, Jan 29 - Feb 04, 2004

135. New Tech's Old Style, NOW Magazine, Jan 22 - Jan 28, 2004

136. Street smarts, Spacing, Spring/Summer 2006

137. Big City - Bright Lights, Spacing, Fall 2005